Beyond Borders Academy

Thank you for your interest in the BBA program. Our goal is to prepare an active community of young people from Ukraine, Belarus and Poland to build relations and form new opportunities for cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe. 

Important deadlines: 

  1. Application deadline: April 5, 2023 
  2. Publication of the list of people accepted to the BBA: May, 2023  
  3. The ceremonial inauguration of Beyond Borders Academy (online): May 24, 2023  
  4. Leadership and Cooperation Workshop + study visit to Gorajec: June 4 - 10, 2023  
  5. Workshop (online): August 2, 2023  
  6. Collaboration, project, leadership in practice Workshop + study visit in Krasnogruda: September 10 - 16, 2023  
  7. Meetings with the tutor: four during study visits, one in July/August (online), and one at the end of the project in December 2023 (online) 
  8. Mini-project competition: September - December 2023  

Considering the length and intensity of the Program, make sure you will be able to attend all the events before you apply. Make sure the Program's schedule of meetings and activities suits you so that you will be able to attend the live meetings in Poland, as well as the meetings held online.  

Participation in the Program is free of charge. All costs of participation in the program are covered by the organizers. 

Fill out the form in English.